Riccardo Baruzzi

Del disegno disposto alla pittura

Language: IT / EN
Dimension: 300 mm x 240 mm
Pages: 224
Edition of 600 copies
Year: 2017
ISBN 978-88-99776-03-9


Del disegno disposto alla pittura is the first monograph on Riccardo Baruzzi containing a selection of images of works made from 2010 to the present and writings by Alessandro Rabottini, Davide Ferri and Luca Bertolo.

photo: Carlo Favero


Curated by: Davide Ferri
Texts by Luca Bertolo, Davide Ferri and Alessandro Rabottini
Design: Riccardo Baruzzi and Filippo Nostri
Copy editing: Irene Cavarero

Produced by

P420 Bologna